Hillary Says I'm A Basket Case!

I bet that title got your attention didn't it? I might be the only one that thinks this but I cannot wait for the election to get here! I am so ready for all of this political mumbo-jumbo to get behind us but until then, I will have my Diet DP in hand with a favorite snack and watch every second of these upcoming debates. It should make for some very interesting TV.
Anyways, I don't usually read up on or watch much news over the weekends. Monday is usually the day I catch up on the weekend political nonsense. What I want to share with you today is as a result of what was said by Hillary Clinton over this past weekend.
Hillary was gathered around a group of people in front and media and she made the comment that half of Donald Trump's supporters ought to be put in a "basket of deplorables". I thought for a second as she said that...am I in that half that's in the basket or in the other half? Her off the cuff statement led me to look up that term deplorable. The dictionary defines deplorable as the following: deserving strong condemnation; shockingly bad in quality. It was at that moment that I realized something, Hillary was right. I as a Trump supporter am in that basket as she called it...but Hillary was also so wrong because not only am I in that basket at times, so is everyone else! Whether you support Hillary or Trump, all of us including them have been in the very same basket of deplorables.
This is not at all based on my words but by the Word of God. First of all, the Bible says in Romans 3:10 that there is not one that is righteous, no not one. It goes on to say in verse 23 that All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. The truth is, you and I were born sinners! You might say how can that be? Is that true? Well let's look at this for a second. When my kids were little, I didn't have to train them to do bad, I had to train them to do good. Why, because they were naturally led to do wrong. That is thanks to Adam and what he and his wife did (see Romans 5:12). It is because of that sin that you, me, Hillary and Donald deserve condemnation. We all are born into that basket of deplorables because of our "bad qualities" as the dictionary says. I am however so grateful that although I had at one time set up residence in that basket, no longer did I have to dwell there.
Yes, I once lived in that basket of deplorables with many other people but God so rich in mercy and His great love that He had made me alive with Christ by His grace (Ephesians 2). I couldn't get out of that basket on my own. I wasn't good enough. I wasn't smart enough. I wasn't pretty enough. Lord knows I wasn't wealthy enough...I needed Him to do it for me...I needed a Savior! Romans 8:1 says...Now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. I am so glad that He took me out of that basket and I now belong to Him!
There are times though I am sad to say that I get back in the basket...and admittingly or not, so do you! The apostle Paul struggled with doing that as well and he speaks of it in Romans 7:14-25...where he says I want to do right but I don't do it. The things I do, I wish I didn't do and the things I don't do, I wish I did (John International Version).
So was Hillary right...yes she was. There is a basket of deplorables but she was wrong in that it is not just half of the Trump supporters but we ALL have set up residence there including herself and the ONLY way to get out of it and stay out of it is by placing your faith and trust Jesus Christ and abiding with Him on a daily basis!
Be Blessed...I sure am! Pastor John


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