What's Buzzing Around?

A little over two years ago, I had a near death experience with some wasps...you can read about it if you like, just search Bees in the search box here on this blog.
Anyways, I am now deathly allergic to bees/wasps and I'm guessing anything else that has a stinger and poison. I have said all of this to lead to this, which is what I am writing about to you today.
This past Sunday night, we hosted our Loop Group at our home. Loop Groups are our church Bible Study Groups where we come together and help people connect with each other, with God and thus get them "In the Loop" because life is so much better being in the loop with others and God than outside of it.
The weather here in Tennessee this past weekend was fabulous, so much so that we had our windows open for a few days and even decided to have our group meet outside on the back patio. After we filled our plates with food, because we as Baptist must always have food at our gatherings because it says so in 2 Leviticus 1:18 to do so...or at least it does in my Bible because I wrote it there, we headed outside to our lawn chairs to eat, to fellowship and do some Bible digging. As everyone was sitting around, a few noticed a rather large wasp nest hanging under my roof overhang, just above my barbecue grill. They warned me about them to which my reply was, "yep I have seen it there but it wasn't that big the last time I looked and I didn't want to mess with them because of after three knee surgeries and 20 extra pounds, this guy can't outrun a wasp so I just left it".
We went through our Bible Study with no incident with the pesky wasps. Everyone had a great time and went home filled with food both physically and spiritually. It was now dark. The house was straightened up. My "these are the clothes that I wear at home when no guest are here" clothes were on and I was ready to settle in to my easy chair when out in my back yard I noticed someone coming. One of our church family went home, grabbed some wasp spray and headed back to my home to take care of these wasps in the dark. I asked her why she did that and her reply was, "we can't have you go dying on us so I decided to take care of the situation"...then she proceeded to eliminate the problem and left me with the can as she drove away in the dark.
I have since last Sunday thought on more than one occasion about what this woman did and what a blessing it was to me and my family but I have also prayed what it was that God wants me to know from this experience and here it is.
I wonder how many of us when we see things buzzing around other people that could potentially hurt them or even kill them do anything about it? Most of the time, we choose to not get involved and hope that whatever the problem is, that it will remain small like that wasps nest was and eventually go away. Most of the time we choose to not say anything or do anything and to do so could be taken the wrong way. I could've thought that maybe these people that brought up the wasps at my home just think I'm too lazy to get rid of those wasps or that I really didn't care. Or maybe, just maybe, they saw a danger that I have overlooked.
Truth is, many of us see people and know people who are allowing things to fly just overhead that could hurt them, physically and most of all spiritually and we tend to look the other way. It might be a bad relationship that they are in, people they are hanging with, bad choices that they are making or just flat-out sin. Instead of speaking truth in love and compassion, we choose to just walk away, leaving the swarm to do their thing and hoping for the best. The Good Samaritan in Luke 10 wasn't that way. When everyone else, even the "man of God" chose to not get involved...he did.
So let me ask you this two part question. What dangers are you allowing to fly overhead in your own life that you are disregarding? What dangers are buzzing around that close friend or family member that you have seen but not yet addressed? God allowed you to see it and recognize it for a reason. Are you gonna get out your spray and deal with it or choose to walk away and hope for the better? In my opinion, it's far better for you to deal with the situation and what's buzzing around before what's buzzing around deals with you or someone you love!

I love you Jannessa Force!
Bee Blessed...I sure am!
Pastor John


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