Baptism. Bees. Blessings

Sunday, June 14 will go down as a day that I will never forget...and so will many others. It started off as so many other Sundays, at church. I was particularly excited about this day not just because of the message that the Lord had given me but that we had 7 people scheduled to be baptized. Seeing so many people being obedient and willing to step out and tell others what Jesus had done for them publicly is an exciting thing for a church. Things were going so well.
After church, once the crowds had left, I drove my truck to the back of the church to the storage building to load up some things that had been sold at our youth yard sale that I was delivering for a man back near my home. As I opened the door to the storage building, I was immediately swarmed by what we found out to be were wasps. I immediately knew one had stung me in the face but thought it was no big deal. I loaded up all the stuff I was needing, closed the door, jumped in my truck and started on my 30 minute drive home. I called my wife who had left ahead of me to tell her that I was on my way home and told her that I had been stung on the face but that it was no big deal...boy was I wrong! A few minutes later, I once again called her to tell her that I was starting to itch and asked her to check and see if we had Benadryl and if we didn't, to let me know because I thought I was going to need some. From this point on, I have little to no recollection of what went on.
Here is what I do know. My face began to swell. My lips were turning blue. I was having trouble breathing. I remember turning the AC on high and even opening the windows...I couldn't breathe! My chest was heavy! I felt like I never had before. My hands had swollen to the point that I could not grasp the steering wheel but somehow, someway I texted these words to my wife...I AM DYING! I do not know how at this point I even made the rest of what was now about a 15-20 minute journey home. I know Carrie Underwood became famous for singing Jesus Take The Wheel but I truly believe that I am alive today because that is exactly what He did.
From this point on, I am only giving you accounts that have been given to me by others because I simply do not remember. When I arrived home, I exited my truck and made my way to the front door. I was greeted outside by my eldest daughter Emilee with a glass of water and some Benadryl and then I collapsed in the front yard. I was unresponsive and pale. My lips were blue. Once I came to, they said that I was complaining of my chest and not being able to breathe. Emilee being a nursing student and knowing that I had been stung new that I was going through what is called Anaphylactic Shock. I had been stung at least six times and was unaware of that. She quickly called 911 and within 5 minutes there were a dozen people on the scene administering care. From what I have been told, 10 minutes or less had they not been there and my wife and family would be planning a funeral today. The ER doctor called me today to check on me and said that I was the worse case she had ever seen and had it not been for the early responders administering double doses of medicine, that I would not have made it. After an ambulance ride, and afternoon in the ER and a night at home so doped up I could hardly walk or talk, I am on the road to recovery! I'm not so sure why my body is so weak still? The doctor said that my organs were shutting down so I guess it just takes some time for this 45 year old body to get jump started again.
So you have heard about the Baptisms...You have heard about the Bees (well they were wasps but for the sake of alliteration let's go wit it) and now you will hear about the Blessings.
Today, I am a changed man. I have heard and known of the brevity of life but I never thought I'd feel it. I've seen many, too many lives snuffed out at a way too early age. I could have been added to that number yesterday. I am sorry that my kids and wife had to witness me in that condition and the added stress that it put on them seeing their daddy and husband unresponsive. I am sorry that my other family members and neighbors witnessed that event. I am sorry about the added financial burden all these extra medical bills will put on my family thanks to Obamacare. I am blessed! I'm blessed to be alive. I am blessed to have the medical care that we have here in this country. I am blessed to be surrounded by such great family and friends, of which many of you called, came by, emailed or texted me. I am blessed to be a child of the King.
James 4:14..."Your Life is a vapor, it is here for a short time and then it is gone." Hug your kids. Love your enemies. Serve the King!
Be Blessed...I sure am!
Pastor John


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