Afraid of Nuffin!

I shared this story yesterday with my church family and thought I would pass it on to you.
About 11 years ago, I remember one evening sitting at home with my son who was 4 years old at the time. We were watching TV and I did what every other person did before there was such a thing as a DVR...I flipped through the channels during commercials. As I ran quickly through them, the channel stopped on a horror movie. Before I could get it changed, there was this crazy knife wielding doll running around trying to kill someone. I quickly looked at my son who was sitting next to me and his eyes were as big as dinner plates. His mouth was on the floor. What he had just witnessed at that age, I wish he hadn't. He sat quietly next to me for a few minutes and then asked " Who was that Daddy"? I told him never mind. Over and over throughout the night that simple question would be repeated again and again..."Who was that Daddy"? I finally said, John Luke...that was CHUCKY! He never asked again.
I'm not sure how many days passed from that night, it wasn't very long but I found myself one morning taking my son to be dropped off at his daycare. Along the way, we had the typical Daddy/Son talks and songs but on this trip, my son at this young age made a statement from out of the blue. He looked at me as I was driving and said..."Daddy, I aint afraid of nuffin." I said you aren't? He said..."Nope. I aint afraid of nuffin." I looked at him, remembering what he had seen a few nights prior on TV and said...I bet you're afraid of CHUCKY! He sat there, thinking for a moment in silence about what I just said and then he looked at me and said..."Well I aint afraid of Chuckee Cheese!
You look around this world today and there are a lot of people that are afraid. They're afraid of how their bills will get paid. They're afraid of a child that has gone off the deep end. They're afraid of where their next meal will come from. They're afraid if their marriage will last. They're afraid of the doctor's test results. I'm telling ya, people live in a state of fear...admittedly or not!
The Bible says in 2 Timothy 1:7… For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. In Psalm 56…David had been seized by the Philistines and he starts to become afraid, but instead he sets his vision on his Lord in verses 3-4 and again in verses 10-11…"But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you. I praise God for what he has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?"
Two times in the same chapter David says when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you! David, the one who killed a lion. David, the one who killed a bear. David, the one who killed the Philistine giant Goliath. David, the one who was king. Yes even David was afraid!
So let me ask you...what are you afraid of? What do you fear? Fear itself is not a sin but living with the spirit of fear reigning in you is because it puts the focus on what you're afraid of instead of The One who can take it away.
So bring on CHUCKY! Bring on Hurts and Pains. Bring on Disappointments and Despair...I like David will put my trust in the Lord...cause I aint afraid of nuffin!

Be Blessed...Pastor John


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