50 Shades?

In just a day or so, people will be talking, posting and commenting about the next big movie to hit the screen. It is another movie based off a book but this is not like Harry Potter, Twilight or The Hunger Games. This movie is based off a series of books that most would call pornography. Let me just say that I have not read a single line of any of the books nor do I even care to. I can't tell you who is in the movie, what the plot is, where it takes place or how it ends. What I can tell you from what I have seen on the trailers and read through social media postings that have been all over the mainstream media is that the movie will be filled with sex.
On a weekend where people celebrate their love for others, out comes a film that shows quite the opposite. It is a sad day in this country that we live in that we have become so desensitized to the world around us. The terrible thing is, many of the people that will help support these kinds of movies are people that call themselves christian. Let me leave you with just a few words...not my own. Before I do that, take note of this. When it comes to God's Word, there are not 50 shades of grey! There aren't 25, 10 or even 5. As a matter of fact, when it comes to God's Word...there is NO GREY area! The Bible says in James 4:17 "If you know to do good and don't do it, it is SIN". Paul said in Romans 13:14 that we are "Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires."He says also in Romans 12 "That we are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto the Lord and to not be conformed to this world". I could go on and on about what the Word of God says about sexual immorality and how we are to flee from it because of the hurt it causes as well as tell you countless numbers of stories of people who were devastated by it.
The truth is, there is not one shade of grey in the Bible...it's all written in Black and White and the great thing about it is that it's surrounded by HIS words in Red.
So how bout this weekend, instead of spending money watching a movie filled with filth, lust, envy and greed that leaves you desiring for something you don't have you spend some time reading HIS Love Letter to you and applying HIS Words to your life.

Consider Your Ways...Pastor John


  1. Awesome insight, I couldn't agree more. So many have become calloused to sin that it is saturating homes and the lives of so many Christians. So many of our children are growing up in this compromised state that it is only going to get worse......unless more of us take stands against the secular world's activity that is so obviously inspired by the enemy. Thank for taking a stand, pastor.


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