Tied Down

The last time I wrote here, I shared with you about the last trip that I had taken to Texas for Thanksgiving and to visit family. If you did not read it, go back and look at it. Today, I want to share with you something else that I noticed while I was there that just came to my mind...today as a matter of fact.
In my parents backyard, there is a yard swing sitting on a concrete pad made by stones. I am almost sure that one of my siblings bought that swing for my parents as well as set the stones as a gift a few years ago. I have sat in that swing in the past. I have watched others swing in that swing in the past. This time though, upon looking at this swing shortly after arriving at my parents home, there was something different. I went outside to take a closer look and what I thought I saw was actually true...a rope had been taken and tied from the swing to the tree. I thought that very odd, but still went and sat in the swing. After taking a moment, I began to swing my legs to get some movement...after all it is a swing. I realized very quickly that this wasn't going to work. There was very little movement in this swing and it wasn't fun or anything like what I have experienced on a Cracker Barrel porch! I didn't sit there long. I stood up, scratched my head, looked back at the swing and went back inside. I asked my Mom as she stood there in the kitchen, why in the world is that stupid rope tied around that swing and that tree? She quietly said..."We had some strong winds with a storm come through here and it picked up that swing and blew it over and carried it away. Your Dad tied it down so that wont happen again."
As I thought about what she said, I can't help but think about our lives. You see our lives are much like that swing...made to move, bring enjoyment and excitement not only to ourselves and others but most importantly to our Creator. You know what the problem is? Too many times we allow the storms of life, the difficulties...financial, marital, physical...you name it...we allow them to tie us down. We don't do things because of past failures. We don't do things on account of what others may say. We don't do things on a fear of what damage it might cause based on previous damage and as a result, we go along in life tied down...never fully experiencing the full grace and freedom that Christ offers. The Bible says in 1 Peter 5:7...Cast all of your cares upon HIM, because HE cares for you. That word cast means to get rid of...to cut away.
So what is it that has you tied down? What experience have you gone through that has kept you and others you love and care for from experiencing life the way God intended to? My suggestion is to quit scratching your head and wondering why and get up, cut the rope and tie on to Jesus and swing away!
See You @The River...Pastor John


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