Don't Go There?
In a recent story over the last few days, it has been reported that Starbucks CEO took a stand for gay marriage and one against traditional or let me say, Biblical marriage by making some outlandish comments! I have seen where numerous people are planning on boycotting Starbucks because of this stance. Let me give you a little insight.
The word boycott means to abstain from buying or using. I guess the reason why people are choosing to do so, is to stand up for their beliefs. Before you take that stand, make sure that you understand this. If you go to Disney World or watch Lion King, are you in favor of gay marriage because Disney Corporation is. If you buy a bathroom rug at Target are you then supporting no Salvation Army bell ringers during the holidays because that is what Target does. If you purchase just one item at any WALMART, are you saying that it is ok not to play Christmas music in their stores because it will offend those that are atheist? If you buy a 2x4,a hammer or a bag of potting soil at Lowes, are you stamping your approval on them funding gay politicians? Here is a quote from one of my Facebook friends today:"If I boycotted every business that did not stand for the same values I do, I doubt I would ever buy anything, anywhere. I must remember that I am called to be salt and light to just such a dark world."
The apostle Paul states in 2 Corinthians come out from among them and be ye separate. Separate is not distance. Separate is difference. If separate was distance, then Jesus was the biggest sinner of them all. Look in the New Testament and often times you see Jesus in among the crowds, many of which that did not believe the way that He nor His disciples did. Jesus didn't boycott them. Had He done so, He never would have entered into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, knowing that the crowd didn't stand for His values. I know speaking for myself, this wretched man that I am, I am glad that Jesus left the wonders of heaven to live in this sinful world and chose to have a relationship with me instead of boycotting based on my sinful beliefs.
Consider Your Ways...Pastor John
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