A Little Pest
I was driving to the church today when I noticed something strange. I know I have seen this before but didn't really pay much attention to it at the time. What I witnessed was a small bird that was chasing a much larger bird while in flight. To me, the larger bird looked like a hawk. The smaller bird was just a bird, not anything special but quite a bit smaller. As this hawk would soar back and forth, this smaller bird would be nipping at its tail feathers while in flight. I pulled over to watch and just as soon as this hawk would level out and be in the clear, along came this little bird that would come in and change its course.
I am not a bird watcher. I don't have feeders in my yard or spend hours a day watching them on the Discovery Channel. I really have no idea on why this tiny bird was bothering this hawk. What I do know however is what this tiny bird was doing...it was being a pest! Just about the time that it seemed that this hawk had put distance in between it and had leveled out, along would come this tiny bird, this pest nipping at its tail...and so it is with Satan!
As followers of Christ, we have ups and downs in this life. We often times like to think that once we get to where things level off a bit that it will be smooth sailing from there on out...WRONG! Just about the time we decide to put our life on cruise control and sit back and relax is exactly the time when Satan, that little pest comes along and starts nipping at our tail! The Bible says in 1 Peter 5:8... Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.
Sometimes Satan is a loud, roaring lion and other times he can be as subtle and small as a pestering bird nipping at your tail. Either way, we must be on guard and on the look out lest we allow him to take us off course!
See You @The River...Pastor John
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