Where's My Bacon?

It is Christmas time. All you have to do is listen, look and at times even smell and you can get the sense that it is "The Most Wonderful Time of The Year"! People are bubbling over with excitement. Kids are anxious, anxious for no school and what will be awaiting them under the tree Christmas morning. Parents have spent time and money looking for that perfect gift for their child. Work parties and dinners along with school programs and ugly Christmas sweaters have all become part of the excitement...Yes it is an exciting time of the year.
As I thought about it, what should excite Christians is not all of the things that were just mentioned. What should excite us is that, now more than any other time of the year, people are more receptive to listen and to hear about the Greatest Gift of All! We have numerous opportunities during this Christmas season to share our faith with others and point people to Jesus.
This morning, I was by myself drinking some coffee at Cracker Barrel. I was reflecting on the great day God gave us yesterday at church and watching the fire when I happened to catch a bit of the conversation of the two older couples sitting next to me. After listening for a while, I made the assumption that these two men were pastors. One was retired and only preached occasionally while the other still pastors a church. As I listened too them talk about the music and message from the day before, my ears tuned in more for what they had to say as their conversation went on.
Minutes later, the waitress appeared with a tray that had their breakfast. As she placed the food down in front of each person, one of the pastors said in a harsh, disgusted voice, "Where is my Bacon?" The waitress replied, "Did you order bacon?" He then said in a more stern voice, "What's the matter, didn't you listen"? As I watched her walk away to get his bacon, I then witnessed this man lead the rest of the people at the table in prayer. A few moments later as he thanked God for the food and all the blessings that He has given them, yes there stood this waitress with her head bowed down with bacon in her hand listening to this man pray.
I sat there in disgust and anger. Here was a man who had a great opportunity to take this "Wonderful Time of The Year" and to point her to the road that Jesus is on but instead, he placed a roadblock in front of her. The way that he treated her was in no way warranted nor right. I then quickly snapped a picture of these men at the table with my phone, drank my last swallow of coffee and went on my way. I wondered as I paid my bill and headed out the door why the Lord allowed me to see that today? I couldn't help to think what the Lord was telling me is as a reminder to you and all you come in contact with, especially this time of year...it is much better for you to focus on the countless number of blessings you have received (like this Gift named JESUS) than on the bacon that you didn't!
Consider Your Ways...Pastor John
John- you are so right! so easy to get caught up in the moment and forget the most important things in life. Thanks for the reminder....