Better Than A Bird
Not too long ago, I came out of one of the local establishments that I eat at regularly in Westmoreland (I don't wanna mention any names but it is the one on the corner). As I exited the building, I noticed something about this car that was parked facing the building.
What caught my eye was a dead bird that was wedged into the front grill of this white PT Cruiser. Upon further examination, I determined that it was a Cardinal. I am not sure if it was a St. Louis or Arizona Cardinal but it definitely was a cardinal. I am not an accident investigator or a veterinarian but it appears to me that this bird flew in the path of this car as it was driving down the road. One minute life was good for this cardinal. Flying in the breeze. Enjoying the sunshine. Just doing what every other cardinal was doing then all of a sudden, his life ended!
You know sometimes people think that being a pastor means that you have no cares in the world, that life is all good. The fact is that we put our pants on just like you. We hurt like you. We cry just like you. The only difference is while we help and pray you through your difficult periods of life, often times we have our own to deal with. I know that I personally can be just going through life much like that cardinal, enjoying the daily routine and all of a sudden from out of nowhere my world is rocked and I am all caught up in the grill of life.
What then do I do? What do you do when life has got you down? As I looked at that bird stuck in that grill of that car, I couldn't help recall the verses in Matthew 10:29, 31 where Jesus says, "What is the value of two sparrows? Did you know that not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows." As I thought of that verse, it reminded me of just how Jesus knew that cardinal had ended up in the grill of that car so He also knows about the hurts and pains that you and I go through. The reason why is because we are far more valuable to Him than some bird.
Has life got you down? Do you feel like you have been run over by the things of this world? Just remember to trust in Him because your Heavenly Father knows!
See You @ The River...Pastor John
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