A Lesson In TARGET
Not too long ago, I was in a TARGET store looking for some items that were needed for our home. As I walked with my two youngest children, I decided to play a game. You might ask why? The number one reason why is that it helps make a dull, mundane moment more eventful...It might also give me a laugh and could even become a sermon illustration or BLOG post. This occurrence did all of the above.
As we walked, looking for our items, our journey led us through the "Home" department which was located near the rear of the store. It was there where we found a simple, black trash can that we needed for our newly renovated basement. I asked my son to pick it up and carry it as we went to get the other items we had on our list. As he began to walk, I asked him to place it over his head. I then challenged him that if he could make it all the way to the front of the store that I would buy him something. As he began to make his way to the front of the store, my youngest daughter and I laughed as we watched him try to maneuver through the isles of the store. We would get a head of him and call him, watching as he bumped into clothes racks and shelves. People were lined up watching and laughing as he made his way to the front of the store.
Once we made it to the checkout, my son removed the trash can and was handed his reward...a WWE Action Figure.
I watched as he stumbled and was laughed at. I thought and wondered as he was in the darkness and blinded why he would go through all of that? The reason was simple...my son was focused on the prize, the WWE Action Figure that awaited him.
The more I think about it, our life is deeply similar to this quick trip to TARGET. You know as well as I do that our lives are full of ups and downs. One minute your happy, hanging out with family in the TARGET store of life and the next minute you are blinded, obscured with what is ahead and maybe even laughed at along the way. The Apostle Paul addresses that in Philippians 3:14 where he tells those believers that he is going to "press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus". What Paul was saying that no matter what has happened in the past, no matter what comes his way that his eyes were on the prize that awaits him?
So what is it that has you worried? What obstacle has been placed over your head and has caused you to stumble, grief and maybe even ridicule? Let me remind you that the prize that awaits those that have placed their faith and trust in Christ...well it is much better than any WWE Action Figure!
See You @ The River...John
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