A Dragon Tale...
Every day working at the church brings about something new. I have the privilege of not only sharing the wonderful news of my Lord with others but also helping people out in a time of need. Here at WFBC, we give out food boxes nearly every day to people that are struggling. I count it a joy to be Jesus to that person who is looking for help. Today was no different than any other day. I was visiting with some of my church family out in the lobby when all of a sudden a car pulled up with a family Once the doors opened up, out came two moms, one with a baby and the other was a young child...dressed as a dragon. Yep, I said a dragon. I asked him if he was a fire-breathing dragon or a good dragon. He said he was a good dragon. I went on and got their food boxes and helped them load their car. As they drove off in a not so nice car, I thought to myself about how thankful I am to have the opportunity to help people. Christians ought to be so thankful of the people that God sends our way that we can be a blessing to. I believe He does it all the time but we just don't see them, we are just too busy.
As I was visiting with some friends today out in the lobby, God sent a dragon for me to take notice of...and I did. What dragons has He sent your way?
Consider Your Ways!
See You @ The River...John
I love it! I get to see dragons all the time, and if we allow ourselves to get past the dragon part there is great beauty to be seen. Keep watching for God's blessings.