Are You Gonna Wear That...Seriously?

A few weeks back, I was speaking with my neighbor outside as we both were working in our yards. It had been a long time since we had spoken together because our time outside had been reduced due to Winter. But now, on this beautiful Spring day, we found ourselves once again where we once were, conversing in our yards. He asked me how the family was and then asked me how work was. I then proceeded to tell him that I was no longer working at the bus company and that now I was pastoring a church. I went on to tell him how it all unfolded, the time frame at which it occurred and gave him information about my new church family. He then looked at me and said, "Will you wear a robe while delivering your sermon"? I said no. He then said, "Please tell me you'll be wearing a coat and tie"! I said no. He then ended the conversation by walking off and saying out loud "I just don't understand people these days". I stood there amazed on how this conversation turned so weird. One minute were talking how good God has been and then next my neighbor is walking off disgusted about me not dressing like Cedric the Entertainer on Sunday mornings.
Do you think Jesus cares about what I wear when I am sharing HIS word? Go visit any church and most of them will have someone preaching in a suit and tie. Watch CNN or FOX NEWS and most politicians interviewed will be wearing a suit and tie. Look at all of those CEO's of the banks we bailed out and yep you guessed it, suit and tie! Does the pastor wear a christian suit and those crooked politicians and bank CEO's wear non-christian suits or are they the same? The fact is that it is not the suit that makes the man, it's what's inside the man that makes the man. It's a shame that I was judge by my neighbor, not by who I am but what I wear! I hope he comes some Sunday and when he does, he'll see me in my Levis on the outside and Jesus on the inside! Take some time to read Matthew 7 about judging others!
See You At The River...John


  1. BRAVO!!! If we women had to wear dresses I wouldn't b able to go to church! I'm a new christian on disability & can't afford one! And Praise God everyone loves me anyway!!!!!

  2. Much like drums and electric guitars, blue Jeans are of the devil. You should know that.


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