See You @ The Pole?
I was a student pastor for almost 16 years. During that time I witnessed many things, some that encouraged me, some that hurt me and even some that made me scratch my head and question why?
Early on in my ministry, I learned about this movement we call "See You at The Pole"which began in the town of Burleson, Texas near my hometown. Today, it has grown to worldwide proportions and numbers hundreds, if not hundreds of thousands of students who gather together on the fourth Wednesday of September before school to surround the pole, hold hands and pray. Now before you get mad, let me say I am not against public prayer or even a group of students gathering together. What I am against is this idea of gathering one day around the flag pole for all to see, unashamedly to proclaim that they are followers of Christ and immediately after walking in the doors they deny HIM by the lifestyle they live. I would rather them not meet than to send a mixed message to those that need HIM. Hey, how bout you Christians standout not just around a flag pole one day a year but out in the real world everyday. How bout we start a See You At The MOVIES? Oh wait a minute, if we do that then you might not be able to see that movie you were wanting to see! How bout a See You At The SHOPPING MALL? Oh, big problem there! If we do that, you might not be able to purchase the clothes you were wanting to wear. I thought about a See You At The COMPUTER but you might have to scratch that website you shouldn't be looking at or the songs you downloaded.
Gather, yes gather around the flagpole at school and sing KUM BAH YA if you so choose. But do us all a favor, if you aren't gonna be genuine and live the way you are proclaiming while huddled up with your friends outside the school, then stay inside and eat another breakfast biscuit!
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