What's Under The Sweatshirt?

Tonight I went to my daughter Mollie's first softball practice. This was not the first time she has played softball but it is the first time for her to play here in our new town where we live...Hendersonville, Tenn. As we approached the park, Mollie was nervous. She was nervous because she had no idea what the coaches were like, what the team was like and if she would fit in. As we jumped out of the Jeep, she went ahead to meet up with the team that was already out on the field. After I met the coach and sent her in line to run some drills, I then realized that I had sent her to the wrong team. This was the team that was finishing up practice before it was our turn. Mollie was so embarrassed! As we sat and waited for her "real team" to arrive, I began to watch as one by one her now new teammates join the bleacher area. I then did as any other Red Blooded American Dad or Parent would do...I sized up the other kids, determining which ones were "real" ball players and which ones were "Wanna Be's". Now I am not a talent scout but without her ever throwing a ball or swinging a bat, I quickly came to a conclusion that the girl in the brown, high water, corduroy pants with Sperry type shoes on topped off with a blue sweater and pink plastic glove was not a "real" player.
There were however, a couple of girls though that caught my eye. The main reason was because both had matching city or tournament type softball hoodies along with nice equipment bags. Now as I said before, I was doing what any other parent would do. You moms out there, you do the same thing with your daughters in drama, drill team and any other activity your kids in. I have seen many parents think that their kid would be the best Joseph or Mary in the churches kids Christmas musical and they deserved a role like that over being a silly shepherd.
So, as one of these "softball sweatshirt wearing" girls began to throw, I watched as nearly every ball she threw flew over the head of the recipient. Her fielding skills were not any better! Ball after ball rolled right by her out to the outfield. The best place for this girl was catcher or right field! After observing, I came to the realization that this girl either: A) borrowed the softball sweatshirt B) bought it at Goodwill C) inherited it from an older sister who actually could play softball
How could I have been wrong? By looking at her appearance, what she wore and the equipment bag she was toting, she sure looked like a ball player to me. The outside all checked out. She was a "ball player" on the outside. On the inside, well that was a different story.
The Bible warns us about not judging people by their appearance. In the book of 1 Samuel 16, God tells Samuel as he was looking for the next King of Israel to not look on the outside as people do but to look as God does and that is inwardly on the heart.
God doesn't look at what type of sweatshirt we have on as we get close to Him. He doesn't look at what type of equipment we have or the type of shoes we wear as we draw near to Him. What He does care about is deep down, where He fits in each of our lives and how we express that inner relationship with others!
Yeah, I misjudged that girl in the softball sweatshirt for being a player but I got the one in the brown corduroys right!
So who are you judging outwardly. How have you been misled by the outside appearance of someone? Stop looking at the sweatshirts people are wearing and start looking at who they really are!
See You At The River...John
John, it's Heather Lee, your wife will know me! Ha!! I miss Hendersonville!! Hope you guys are adjusting well!! Tell your girls hello for me!! Your son doesn't know me but tell him hello too!
ReplyDeleteJust thought I would say hi!