Rough Road Ahead!

We had a bus come into the shop today to have some routine maintenance done. As the mechanics looked at the driver's list of things that needed to be addressed, I was asked to come and take a look at one of the problems. Now first of all, this bus was a brand new bus. It had just returned on it's maiden voyage you might say so this was not an old, reoccurring problem. As we knelt down by the rear driver's side wheels, I was shown what looked like to me was a plastic pipe that had a whole in it. This was not a drilled like hole nor was it a clean break whole. What it looked like was something had wore or rubbed on this pipe to the point where a hole had formed. I asked what that pipe went to and it was said that it was the drain that led from the shower to a holding tank...the kind of tank where all of the dirty, crappy, used water was stored. It was then pointed out to me the cause of the problem. It seems that the builder of the bus did not pay close attention to the placement of the drain and it's proximity to the rear tires. So what was happening was when the bus hit a bump or when the road got a little rough, it would rub up against the pipe. It didn't do it all at once. It started off very subtle but then led to the point where it finally caused over time a hole which led to dirty , crappy stuff to come out. (Now before you think to yourself I can't believe they were letting turds fall out onto the highway and on peoples cars...this was not the potty, just the shower drain.)
As I went back and took a picture with my Blackberry, I thought about that pipe and how it is a lot like people. It is real easy to share your faith with people when things are going well but throw a little bump in the road of life, cause some things to get a little unsettled and over time, eventually it will wear on you to the point where dirty, crappy stuff will come out. It could even affect those that you love. Oh it doesn't always happen at once. In fact, most of the time it just wears on you a little bit at a time. Read the book of Job. God allowed Satan to rub or wear on him a little at a time thinking it would cause Job to turn against God. Job did not give in and over time, was restored with even more than what he had.
So what is it or who is it that has been rubbing on you? Take note that if you don't reroute your plumbing to where it's not in the way of what is causing the rub, over time your going to wear a hole and eventually crappy stuff is gonna come out!
See You At The River...John


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