A Real Reality Show

Today I made a Walmart run to pick up some batteries to replace old ones in some of the remotes on the buses. As I was leaving and walking out the door, I overheard a couple talking rather loud. Let me say that loud talking is not an unusual thing for me, I live with Mollie Kate Racioppa, the MOUTH of the SOUTH. As I was saying, this couple was walking out of the door with a few bags in hand when I heard him ask her "why she didn't buy those jeans"? What an idiot! Anyone who knows women knows to NEVER ask a question like that! It could lead to an array of words in a response, most of which will NOT be good. One never brings up why something was not bought to a woman! I made that mistake one, no two hundred and forty two times thus far in my marriage. I can hear it now, "I'm headed out to the mall to look for a dress". Later, she returns with her hands empty. To most, that would be great! Empty hands mean larger bank accounts. But I know, believe me I know! If my wife returns with nothing, the celebration is short lived because what follows is all of the reasons why she could not find anything because everything is wrong with her body, not the clothes. Now, as I have said I am a veteran when it comes to marriage, seventeen years strong. Since I veered away from the Walmart story, I will now go back. Everything prior has been hypothetical, truly hypothetical! So as I said, the man said to the lady he was with"why didn't you buy those jeans"? She then replied that she did not like the pockets and the way they were laid out made her butt look big. What followed was something I would highly advise not to do. He said and I quote "I wouldn't blame that on the pockets"! I watched them as they headed off to their car, watching as they walked away. I then wanted to see if he was telling the truth so I did take a look, not in a lustful, badonkydonk kinda way. More of just a fact finding way...a mission! After looking, I am not sure what the jeans exactly looked like that she had tried on in the store but from what I saw, she didn't need to be blaming any pockets!
As I got in my Jeep, I told Emilee what had happened and said, I got my next Blog entry!
I am not sure what that lady was thinking. I am not going to spend anymore time speaking about another lady's derriere. What I am going to speak briefly about is REALITY which is where that lady needed to be!
When you look in the mirror, it is just you looking back at you. Behind all of the makeup, fixed hair and clothes is a person who is walking with God or one who is not. There is no riding the fence, no gray areas. That is REALITY! The Bible says in Mark 12:30 that we are to love God with all of our heart, soul and mind. That means our all, our everything! Oh it's easy to deny what is really going on. We can even blame the "pockets" on why things aren't well! Let's face it, our relationship with God and how good it is depends on us individually. If your walk with God is not as it should be. If you seem distant to Him, the reality is it is you that moved, not HIM!
See You At The River...John
See there you go again. Only you could come up with a blog about a woman and her jeans, and it actually make sense. You know your right though it is so easy to stradle the fence, and make the excuse that you are not perfect only God is. The real truth though is that we are not perfect, we just have to face the facts and admit. Then that is when we can get off of the fence, and ask God to help us to continue to stay on his side. Love you man. Hope you are enjoying your family this weekend.